32. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS. How to get sharp image of the pink hibiscus flower?
PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: How to get a sharp image of hibiscus flower. PINK Hibiscus. Use tripod. AV Mode. Focus on the 5 red anther. Take >3 shots. Canon R5. AV, f/11, IS0 100, 1/50, tripod is necessary to get sharp image 4 Jun 2023, 8.27am #pinkhibiscus #singaporeflower #hibiscusflower #pinkflower #kongyuensing #singapore TO BUY PHOTO: www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets UPDATES: https://photographysingkongyuen.blogspot.com/2023/06/32-photography-tips-how-to-get-sharp.html