
32. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS. How to get sharp image of the pink hibiscus flower?

  PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: How to get a sharp image of hibiscus flower. PINK Hibiscus. Use tripod. AV Mode. Focus on the 5 red anther. Take >3 shots. Canon R5. AV, f/11, IS0 100, 1/50, tripod is necessary to get sharp image 4 Jun 2023, 8.27am    #pinkhibiscus #singaporeflower #hibiscusflower #pinkflower #kongyuensing #singapore TO BUY PHOTO: UPDATES:    

31. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: SMARTPHONE photos of the moon around 8 pm. Night mode of smartphone

 Photos taken by Samsung S23 Ultra, the latest model. Full moon with halo photos were taken by Tricia using the latest Samsung S23 Ultra.    Top photo was taken on 2 Jun 2023 (Vesak Day). She used the night mode.  The moon was so bright that the sky turned out blue. Did the "night mode" change the dark colour of the sky to blue sky? Lower photo was taken on 3 June using the normal mode.  ----------------------------------- Tricia also took this photo using the night mode in Finland

30. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Fluttering common rose butterfly in Hong Kong.

The Common Rose butterfly sips honey at 1 pm in the public garden outside Double Cove condo in Wu Kai Sha, Hong Kong. The butterfly just appeared and posed for me on 28 May, as if she knows I am looking to photograph butterflies in Hon Kong and they are rare, just as in Singapore, in urban gardens. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Use tripod. Shutter priority at 1/1000 sec, ISO AUTO. Take several shots as butterfly is fluttering all tghe time. Focus on the head.    

29. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS. TRAVELS HONG KONG. Subway murals in Hong Kong

HONG KONG - 29 MAY 2023: Attractive murals adorn the walls of this Hong Kong subway interchange, but commuters have no time to stop and appreciate them.  HOW TO TAKE THE PHOTOS OF MURALS? PHOTO 1. 29 May 2023, 12.17pm   Hong Kong subway station murals Canon R5, AV,f/11, ISO 400, 1/4 sec. Focus on face of lady in blue (R) TO BUY PHOTO:   UPDATES AT:       ----------------------- PHOTO 2. HONG KONG - 29 MAY 2023: A very busy Hong Kong subway interchange station. It promotes works of arts in the wall murals. Focus of photograph is on the red "Tsuen Wan Line sign". Canon R5, AV, f/11, ISO 400, 1/13 sec. Focus on the red “Tsuen Wan” sign. TO BUY PHOTO:   UPDATES AT:

28. PHOTOGRAPHY OF MOON - Morning Moon from Canon R5. Use shutterspeed 2.5 sec

Photography of the morning moon with a 24-105 mm lens. In this case, the moon appeared very large and closer to earth than normally. A tripod or support camera on the ledge is necessary. 300-mm lens is advised. My lens is 24 - 105 mm, so it cannot capture the shadows in the moon as a 300-mm lens.  Canon R5, focal length 74 mm, AV, f/9, ISO 400, 2.5 sec. Use tripod or support on ledge. 5 Jun 2023, 6.36 am. Full moon was on 2 Jun (Vesak Day).  Focus on roof/moon area. TO BUY PHOTO:    UPDATE AT: VIDEOS AT:    

27. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS. HDB blocks and the iconic Toa Payoh Dragon playground

PHOTOGRAPHING BLOCKS OF FLATS CLOSE TOGETHER.  Canon R5, Tripod, TV, 1/1000 sec, f/4.5, ISO AUTO (200 actual)  2 Jun 2023, 11.34 amTO BUY PHOTO: Use tripod. Focus on "dragon head". Use TV shutter priority in bright sunshine to capture sharper photos. #toapayohflats #hdbtoapayoh #dragonplayground #singapore #kongyuensing The Toa Payoh Dragon Playground along Lorong 6 Toa Payoh, built by the HDB in the 1970s, is an iconic and beloved landmark for Singaporeans, young and old. It has a large head decorated with terrazzo tiles, slides and a body of colourful rings that children can climb through. The popularity of this design resulted in the reproduction of similar versions in HDB playgrounds across Singapore in differing sizes and configurations. These include a smaller variation at Lorong 1 and another in front of Block 570 in Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3. UPDATE AT:

26. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS. Food photos in a restaurant.

 4 Jun 2023. Lighting plays an important part in food photography inside the restaurant. This Da Xi restaurant in Ang Mo Kio Hub has decent lighting. My Canon R5 handheld settings indoors are usually   AV Mode, f/11, ISO 400. In this image, the actual settings are AV, f/11, ISO 400, 1/5 sec with focal length of 35 mm. I tried Manual mode, but it was difficult to get a good image. Da Xi Ang Mo Kio.  Taiwanese lu rou fan & oyster mushroom     4 Jun 2023   6.33pm   Canon R5, AV, f/11, ISO 400, 1/5 sec TO BUY PHOTO: UPDATES AT:     ---------------------- Da Xi Restaurant, Ang Mo Kio Hub Lots of passers by. Avoid taking their photos.  Canon R5, Hand-held, AV, f/11, ISO 400, 1/15sec.  Da Xi Ang Mo Kio Hub    4 Jun 2023, 6.29pm   Focus on 4 diners i...

25. PHOTOGRAPHY - Smartphone images of red-eared sliders - tele-medicine

 5 Jun 2023. Nowadays, the younger generation may use smartphone images to seek tele-consultation with Toa Payoh Vets. They WhatsApp images and videos easily. For example, a red-eared slider with a swollen paw. A lady sent me her smartphone images. However, many of the images are blurry. I advise that the pet be placed on a table and held firmly. The following is a summary of the tele-consultation made for video production.                            

24. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS. Flowers. E-greetings cards and educational cards.

 Images of flowers can be used as e-greeting or educational cards. For example, Vesak Day. To get such a sharp photo in a gentle breeze, in a public garden, I used shutter priority (TV) and tripod. Settings were: Canon R5, Focal length 105 mm, 1/1000 sec, f/4.5, ISO (AUTO, actual is 1000), TV Mode, tripod. 25 May 2023, 8.24 am

23. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS. HONG KONG People in motion. Office workers

PHOTOGRAPHY OF PEOPLE IN A RUSH. Footbridge over Henessey Road from Wan Chai Station to Immigration Tower Commuters from Wan Chai subway station rush to their places of work. I used a tripod. Canon R5. Set to TV Mode, 1/1000 sec, f/4.5, ISO AUTO. Focus on face of lady in brown dress. I took 7 shots. This one shows a sharper image of the lady Hong Kong Wan Chai subway commuters go to work 31 May 2023, 8.47 am. Canon R5, TV, 1/1000 sec, f/4.5, ISO AUTO (actual is 1250)   #hongkong #wanchaicommuters #footbridge #wanchaitoimmigrationtower #kongyuensing TO BUY PHOTO:   UPDATE AT: