58. PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Kentucky Fried Chicken KFC store in NEX MALL>

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS: Indoor KFC. Use AV. Focus on KFC logo. Indoor KFC photo in NEX Mall. Use AV f/11, ISO 500 Auto shutter speed. KFC NEX mall, 2 Apr 2024. 12.27pm. Focus on bright KFC logo. Canon AV, 24mm, 1/50sec, f/11, ISO 500 Use Photoshop to lighten up image and colours. #kfcsingapore #kfcnexmall #kentuckyfriedchicken #singapore #toapayohvets #kongyuensing #singkongyuen #shutterstock .com/g/toapayohvets TO BUY PHOTO: www.shutterstock.com/g/toapayohvets UPDATE: https://2010vets.blogspot.com/2024/04/5803-photography-tips-indoor-kfc-photo.html